Interdum stultus opportuna loquitur...

Monday, January 03, 2005

NonRant: New Year Housekeeping

Note - from June 24th 2009, this blog has migrated from Blogger to a self-hosted version. Click here to go straight there.

There will be some alterations to presentation and content here at Rancho del Ranto over the next week or so, as the structure becomes a little more complex.
Some parts of USRant will be excised and will become the victims of separate Rants (that'll be an evolving process, but some changes will happen by the end of this week).
The Kiwi, Japanese and Canadian stock markets will become new victims (by mid-January).
The Economic Calendar will be a fixture-link rather than an occasional inclusion, as will the ex-Div calendar for Australian stocks.
There will also be quite a bit more "NonRant" stuff - things that have nothing to do with markets, but which are either funny-haha or funny-interesting.
This year is going to be a "rough end of the pineapple" for a lot of people, in much the same way as 2000-2002 was.
I am also going to start putting "but" at the end of some sentences, too. It's a speech pattern which is more better than most people realise - old fashioned school-teachers don't like it, but.