Note - from June 24th 2009, this blog has migrated from Blogger to a self-hosted version. Click here to go straight there.
Hopefully, the quaintly-titled Project for the Old American Century wil achieve something - but I doubt it.
By and large they are preaching to the choir as far as opposition to the warmongers is concerned: those who care (and think) are already decided, and those who don't think (or who think they think, but are really just parrots) are decided as well (to the extent that a non-thinker can "decide").
This letter from Sergeant Kevin Benderman is as eloquent a piece as can be imagined from an O.R. (even though he is a senior NCO); the scales have fallen from his eyes, the mist has lifted and he has undergone a transformation of consciousness.
Unlike most Republican shitheads who yell "Booyah" thinking it means the same as "Hoo-ah", this guy has been in a fire zone. Unlike the psychic-and-economic-vampires running the show and screwing the world, this guy's innards were there to be blown out by an IED while the politicians gave each other the verbal equivalent of mutual ego-handjobs, and lied their populations into a war of choice.
All that's required is for ten thousand more soldiers to wake up and realise that they are being used for nothing more than ego-masturbation by the people who lead them - and for the tmassive transfer of taxesfrom semi-valid (but wasteful) social programs to the pockets of major political donors.
My hopes aren't high - the US military is increasingly drawn (on average) from the socioeconomic group that has little economic alternative: the uneducated, working class, inner-urban poor: folks whose alternative employment is as a journeyman unskilled labourer. That's not - again, on average - where you find people who lead examined lives...
Anyhow - any antidote to the vile human filth at the Project for the New American Century (PNAC - the architects of this and future aggressive, illegal wars-of-choice) is welcome.