Interdum stultus opportuna loquitur...

Thursday, November 10, 2005

GodRant: I Hate ID Types...

Note - from June 24th 2009, this blog has migrated from Blogger to a self-hosted version. Click here to go straight there.

Just a brief note about these disingenuous religious whackballs who are so keen to teach Biblical Creationism (whored-up as 'Intelligent Design') in government-funded schools instead of in cult schools (like Xavier) where it belongs...

For a group of people whose supposed role model is some bloke who rabbitted on about Peace and Truth, these nutcases aren't very big on either.

If they want their religious whackery taught in public schools, why not just say so openly, so that everyone can have a good laugh and then tell them to piss off and start their OWN schools?

Instead, they choose the sneaky, underhanded, duplicitous route - Jey-suss would be proud, I'm sure.

Frankly, these vermin are no different from cigarette companies; they have to get hold of their potential clientele early to have any hope of expanding their crop of 'users'.

That's because if you don't have the 'religious impulse' indoctrinated into you as a kiddie, you're massively unlikely to experience an adulthood 'awakening' - by which I mean a softening of the brain that makes you gullible enough to believe that the 'church leaders' of the charismatic movement aren't just a pack of megalomaiacs wh odeploy religion as an enrichment tactic. (as an aside, I contend that of the people who have such adulthood epiphanies, the number whose childhoods were genuinely free of indoctrination is miniscule).

So in order for the parasites at the top of religious orders (and evangelical pseudo-church money machines) to continue the concentration of power and the harvesting of garmonbozia, they - like the cigarette companies - need a stream of new meat. And they're not going to get it 'on the merits' from proper grownups - anyone who actually reads what Jay-susss is supposed to have said will find that the soi-disant 'leaders' of the quasi-church money machines are more in keeping with the baddies.

So these scum need to get their hands on the kiddies (and usually, in more ways than one); kiddies believe what grown-ups tell them until they start to develop their own critical faculties (if they ever do). The aim of the 'intelligent design' crowd is to subvert that process by indoctrinating the still-forming consciousness of the kiddies so that by the time they start questioning (if they ever do), the religious impulse is viewed as something beyond question.

It disgusts me, and people who advocate intelligent design should be aggressively attacked in argument: simply demand that they declare openly their desire to have Biblical Creationism rammed down the throat of taxpayer-funded public school children, and when they refuse to admit it, remind them of Jey-sussss' exhortations about bearing false witness.