Interdum stultus opportuna loquitur...

Thursday, September 30, 2004

See - it's Not Just Me...

Note - from June 24th 2009, this blog has migrated from Blogger to a self-hosted version. Click here to go straight there.

Thanks to "Anonymous" for pointing me to Bill Gross' recent remarks about inflation (and, it turns out, hedonic adjustments - which I have banged on bout for two long years).
Mr Gross is not some lunatic-fringe whackball sitting in Southern New South Wales posting on some marginal Rant blog... he is the big swinger in the bond market, with the largest bond fund on Planet Earth.
Still, that didn't stop him from eventually getting the same idea as the aforementioned whackball in southern NSW...
So folks, if you have a few spare minutes, read Mr Gross' latest Rant (which is colourful and well written).
You will find the stuff about hedonic pricing of computers eerily familiar - it is an echo of what I wrote recently in this little space, and also back in the InvestorWeb days too.
At least now there is someone writing about it that people will take seriously.
What a doofus I am - I forgot to include the link...
Also - please, people who post comments... take a few seconds to let us know who you are - otherwise the whole thing is less personal.