Note - from June 24th 2009, this blog has migrated from Blogger to a self-hosted version. Click here to go straight there.
It seems like it must be a year ago that the Mighty African Warrior (Mauombo) suggested that I give 'podcasting' a shot. In fact if it's not a year ago, you may all me "Meyer" (as Goering once said).
Anyhow, these things take some time to percolate to the top of my skull, at which time they sprout like the 'fibres' that sprout out of the chancres of Morgellan's sufferers. Gross.
Anyhow, I have decided to have a crack at this podcasting thing - it might be quicker than typing (especially given my massive pie-hands, which give me a propensity for typos).
The next step - and I warn you, I'm serious - is to go 'WebCam' on your colelctive asses. Those of you who are of a religious bent had better get genuflecting and grab them a whole lotta Churchy, coz if I start videoblogging you all know it's only a matter of time before I forget to wear any pants. EEeeeew.
But seriously... atthe moment the key restriction is the lack of a decent mike (that will be solved within a day or twain), but later (in about an hour) I will stick up the first ever AudioRant (or PodRant, or whatever it eventually gets called). You will be able to hear my reedy, squeaky voice and hear the worst French accent since PEter Sellers' Inspector Clouseau (the one and only real Clouseau - do not ever go and see the vile shade that has recently been released, or God will smite you).
Note - I've decided to edit this post and re-post it with the MP3 file attached. For those of you who want to use the podcast 'properly', you'll need one of them 'podcast clients' - a list of the mcan be found here...
OK - here is the file... PODRANT Number 1. It's actually quite a small file, as it turns out... so it should 'stream real nice...