Interdum stultus opportuna loquitur...

Friday, May 26, 2006

TestPodRant III: Test One TWO...

Note - from June 24th 2009, this blog has migrated from Blogger to a self-hosted version. Click here to go straight there.

Let's see if I can get streaming MP3's to work... here goes:

Streaming Consciousness...

It works - excellent. Now I need to figure out how to 'embed' a media player into a page to prevent the requirementfor the whole download/start Windows Media rigmarole.

I promise that over the weekend I will replace the target MP3 file with something a little less stupid. Perhaps my impression of Zoidberg or Professors Frink and Farnsworth. Anyhow - I declare victory over the embedding audio-scheisola into these here pages. Video-Scheisola is next, and the eventual aim is for the full-bottle Rant to be similar to those online audio-visuals that Steve Roach used to produce... except mine will have more swearing.

A note for anyone who hastrouble with the player bit which is embedded: the problem is almost certainly on the 'client side' (i.e., at your end). All the embedding does is to activate your browser's default player for the type of file in question (for me - I use Firefox - I had to download and install QuickTime... whereas there was no need to do anything in Internet Explorer which used Windows Media PLayer)